Summer Pics – Boden Giveaway winner!

Hello from San Bernadino! I just thought I’d give you a peek into my week away. Yea, I know, it’s basically food….

photo 1-2

photo 2{ Tupelo Junction Cafe, Santa Barbara }

photo 3

photo 4{The Lucky Penny, Santa Barbara}

photo 5

{The Shop, Santa Barbara}

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

{Enjoy Cupcakes, Santa Barbara}


Have you ever wondered what happens when you get three teachers together? 

Thanks for all who entered the Boden giveaway! The winner is…

Calli Welsch!

I will be contacting you shortly!

Thanks for stopping by! I’m off for more fun in the sun!

Happy Thursday!

How to: Vacation the RIGHT way

I just wanted to let you guys know that I’m on vacation this week in SB and L.A. so there will be a scarcity in blog posts, but do follow me on Instagram (@snippetswithalex) to keep up with my adventures 🙂

You know those vacations when you’re so preoccupied with getting through all the must-do attractions that you end up needing a vacation from your vacation? Well, I know all about that. I used to make a list of all the things I want to do on vacation and end up hopping from one thing to another without any down time. Now I know better. Vacations are supposed to be when you get away from the busyness of life and let your body, mind, and soul rest. It was hard for me to come to terms with the idea that it is OK to just be still and it is OK to not do anything for a change. I used to feel guilty for not being productive. Have you felt that way too?


I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to give yourself that time of rest and rejuvenation, so here are my five tidbits on how to have a restful vacation.

1. Sleep in
Yes, the early bird does get the worm, but in this case the rested bird will get the energizer bunny.

2. Do what you want
I am the type of person who likes to do things by myself at times. Did I go see a movie by myself already? Yes. Did I go out to  breakfast with nothing but myself and a good book? Yes. Do I feel good about it? YES.

3. All about the people
Yes, I do like to do things by myself, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want community. This specific trip was for me to visit my good friends and catch up with them — no need to go on any adventures or extravagant activities. Some friends were worried about not being able to keep me “entertained” during my visit. But you know what, heart to heart conversations over coffee does wonder to the soul.

4. Walk to places
If it is reasonable, take the time to walk to your destinations! Sometimes it is hard to slow yourself down because of habit, so force yourself to by walking. Trust me, it definitely helps.

5. It’s okay to splurge a bit within reason.
I’m not saying to blow hundreds of dollars doing who knows what, but I’m saying it’s OK to get the steak if that’s what you’re feeling.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you will have at least one restful vacation this summer. 🙂

Happy Monday!

Oh and the giveay ends TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT.

Don’t forget to enter the $50 to Boden Giveaway!

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24 candles

Another year has come and gone, which of course means that I am one year older.  I’ve lived 24 years thus far full of fond memories, heartaches, laughs, struggles, and growth (basically a life just like everyone else in this world but I felt like attempting to write eloquently :P)

Before I blow out my twenty-four candles, I want to take the time to reflect on the blessings of this past year, the growth that has happened, and the excitement to come.

3 categories x 8 ideas = 24 reflections

Loves I’ve Lived
1. Saw FUN in concert.
2. Tried surfing and snorkeling for the first time.
3. Designed invitations for 2 weddings
4. Experienced Friendsgiving in Washington, D.C with the best of friends and witnessed an engagement. 🙂
5. Was front row of a Backstreet Boys concert and was able to hold all their hands while being serenaded. 😉
6. Went to a Sharks game and sat in the Penthouse Suite c/o a friend working at a big company – (The corporate world has it made! :P)
7. Went strawberry picking for the first time.
8. Started this blog. 🙂

Lessons I’ve Learned
1. With our Lord Jesus Christ, all things are possible, including getting through my first year of teaching.
2. There should always be time to foster relationships, friendships, and community no matter how busy life gets.
3. ALWAYS bring a flashlight with you when you go hiking just to be safe.
4. Sometimes you just have to sleep (I know this, but this next year I’m going to practice it. 🙂 )
5. Smiling is the best medicine.
6. Prom-posal – the act of asking someone to prom.
7. Be confident with the person that God made you to be.
8. Don’t base your happiness on something you can lose. C.S. Lewis

Longings to Look forward to
1. Exploring the Bay Area — It’s been my home for 19 years of my life, yet I have not seen, done, or tasted even half of the things the Bay has to offer.
2. Improving my teaching practice.
3. Seeing where the Lord takes me and being able to say “OH, so that’s Your plan. So much better than mine.”
4. My future trip to New Zealand next summer (okay, technically I will be 25 by then but still 🙂 )
5. Designing more stationary.
6. Seeing how my blog progresses.
7. Trying new things.
8. Forming and investing in new friendships.

Thank you for joining me today on my birthday! ❤


How to: Pack for Hawaii

Aloha! 🙂

Try not to be jealous, but I am currently in Hawaii soaking up the cloudy-sunless sky for a week long vacation! Be prepared for pictures of my adventures later on, and reviews of the tours I signed up for.

But before any adventures happen, you have to start with your luggage! As a person who is a last minute packer and with bad memory, an exhaustive list would have been nice to have. Well lucky you, I’m going to share my complete list just in case you decide on taking a trip to the beautiful islands of Hawaii. BTW, I’m writing this after I realized that I completely forgot a number things. So hopefully you won’t make that same mistake.

Packing List for Hawaii for 6 days:
1. Tops:
– 3 Tees/Tanks
– 2 Shirts/Blouses (a little nicer to go into town or out to dinner

2. Bottoms
– 1 pair of long pants (linen or light fabric would be best)
– 2 pairs of shorts
– 1 maxi skirt
-1 dress

3. Water/Activity Wear
-2 sets of swimwear (another to wear as the other one is drying)
– 1 cover up
-Small backpack (if hiking)
-2 running/water safe shorts
– 1-2 workout tops
-Water bottle

4. Toiletries
– Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Floss
-Hair Straigtener
-Light natural makeup (plus WATERproof mascara)
-Makeup Remover / Cotton Swabs / Q-tips
-Body Lotion

5. Accessories
-Hat (only if you’re a hat person)
-Small beach bag/tote
-Book for the plane ride and beach
-Phone chargers
-Camera chargers

6. Shoes
– 1 pair of close-toed sneakers/hiking shoes/ etc
– 1 pair of “I don’t care about” flip-flops
– 1 nice pair of sandals

7. Other
-Bandaids (Bring them! I already have a cut on my foot. Ha)

My suggestion is to try to fit everything into a carry-on which is super possible. Then carry a backpack and put all your “Entertainment” stuff in it. My problem during this trip was that I had my big camera bag and so unfortunately they made me check a bag. Oh well!

Here are some snapshots of my trip thus far!

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset3 hour layover in Maui. It was either Burger King or California Pizza Kitchen. Lol

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetLotus Flower

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetPanko Crusted Ahi Roll

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetFried Kapalua Belly

My roommate for the week. 🙂

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 presetThere was a Luau going on a few feet away from us.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetBeach Fun!

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetHawaiian Chicken Sandwich

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 presetGet it? Lol

Follow my trip on Instagram! 🙂

How to: Survive Post-Holiday Blues

Ah, the holidays are over. Right now you are probably experiencing Christmas-withdrawl, food and sugar comas, family overload, smaller bank accounts, and back-to-work anxiety. Just know that you are not alone in your post-holiday blues.

Here are some of my suggestions on how to deal with the transition back to real life:

1. Ease your way in by rewarding yourself every two hours for surviving with leftover Christmas chocolate.

2. Secretly listen to your favorite Christmas carol at least once a day until you are ready to let go.

3. Start walking in the morning for at least 10 minutes, and increase your time every day as you begin to get used to your ligaments moving again.

4. If you are experiencing an extreme case of anxiety, take 5 shots of a peppermint mocha latte. Slowly ween yourself off.

5. Space out your use of your Christmas gifts. Don’t use or wear your gifts all in one week! Spread it out so you can enjoy the excitement of new things longer.

6. It’s okay to leave your Christmas tree up for a little while longer. Just remember, the longer you wait, the harder it will be. I suggest the last day to keep it up should be Jan. 11. Longer than that, and it will probably be a fire hazard, if it isn’t already.Don’t say that I didn’t warn you!

7. Read your favorite blogs (wink wink) to get your mind off your post-holiday blues.

Hopefully that list will help you get through!


Here are some snippets of my vacay!


Half Moon Bay – Coastal Walk behind the Ritz Carlton

20140102-150203.jpgGot to spend a week with this cutie pie!


The grandchildren. Yes, we are extremely mature.

20140102-145742.jpgSome mansion near Caroline Park – Redlands, CA

20140102-145754.jpgAwesome palm tree we found

20140102-145804.jpgStarting my couple of days in Santa Barbara with Backyard Bowls of course!

More picture and outfits in a wee bit! Follow me on Instagram for more snippets and FIRST LOOKS of outfits before they’re published!